Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 2nd Round

It is official Benyamin Netanyahu is the prime minister of Israel (he was sworn in today). I have said before to friends that I believed he would become the prime minister and it is refreshing to see a God fearing man lead that country hopefully with integrity. Keep an eye out on the next 90 days in Israel and the Middle East. What will he do about Iran? How will he handle the financial crisis? What will he do about Gaza? These are three very big issues that are pressing him right now and time will tell. Keep an eye on the G20 summit in Europe in the upcoming week (pray for the leadership, our president and those that will be meeting). Obama has a full plate meeting with, Dmitry Medvedev (Russian president) and China's President Hu Jintao on Wednesday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown (UK), and many other leaders. Issues of discussion will revolve around the global recession, North Korea, Iran and their rhetoric, our missile defense shield, proposal of a new world currency and dropping the dollar, among countless other issues of concern. Please really take time and pray for our leaders, ask the Lord for direction on what to pray and how to pray, seek his face and lift up your cares to Him and this very pivotal time in our lives. I have been reading the book of Exodus this week and I am amazed at how the Lord always hears the prayer of His people and that even if it takes 430 years He delivers His people according to His will. (Exodus 1st 12 chapters deal with the children of Israel up to and coming out of Egypt).



  1. Definitely will keep them in prayer. We know that God raises the leaders, and brings them down. I suggest our prayers should be similar to Jesus' Lord's Prayer; "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". Father, your will be done! Your Kingdom come to this situation, as it is in heaven!

  2. Alright, Forgive my political ignorance but I thought Putin was Russia's leader(I always saw him as a psycho dictator), not Dmitry Medvedev? How did I miss that?

  3. In response to Anonymous, you are not entirely wrong at all. Medvedev was elected as President in May 2008, however; Vladimir Putin basically created his own office as the head of government. So Medvedev is the face of the government but many believe that Putin still calls the show. They think he did this because of the term limits, and many say he is going to try and come back as the President again.
