Friday, February 27, 2009

A change in leadership, A change in direction

Blessed are you God creator of the world! I am reading a book right now, "Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus", and it has really challenged me to see Jesus as he was as a first century Jew. Its hard sometimes to get past the very long haired Jesus with a lamb on his shoulders always smiling, or the picture of him being crucified. Many artists rendering of what Jesus looked like are what we have in our minds instead of really painting the picture of who He was and is (The son of the one and only God). Granted I am not saying that He was not happy or did not smile, and I am definitely not negating the cross and what He did through the cross. Only that it is amazing to dig into His history and see some of the things that were common in His time, the traditions that He actually was a part of. I would strongly recommend the book to anyone that is interested in learning more about His roots and His upbringing and about the culture that He was born in. One thing I really learned about was blessing and how Jews were raised up learning about blessing (thanksgiving) and would give thanks in the smallest of things to God. Here is an example: They would give a blessing to God for waking them with the crow of a rooster because he gave the rooster the ability to differentiate day from night, or when they would open there eyes in the morning because He has given site to the blind. So it is very interesting to look at what Paul was saying in many of His letters when he says, give thanks in everything (He was raised up Jewish and that would have been part of His daily life, but greater than that is that He was a disciple of Jesus Christ and followed after His teaching and how he lived His life (always giving thanks to the Father). Blessed are You Lord for you Have the Words of Life!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stocks Fall

It has been a few days since my last post but I am still watching the headlines. Things have been moving south economically, praise God that he looks after His sheep and that we have no need to worry. I just saw that Target profit dropped 41%, Office Depot shows a 1.5$ billion loss, and Macy's reports a 59% drop in 4Q profit. Home prices have also posted a record decline at 18.2%. Also stocks are now back to the same level as in 1997. I don't remember if I mentioned this on my last post but Netanyahu was appointed to be the next prime minister of Israel. Please be praying for him as he now has to form a government.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

There is a day coming when those who pierced him will mourn and will realize that He was the Son of the living God (Zechariah 12:10). He will save His remnant and He will return quickly. Anyone who reads this take heed that you do not fall asleep to the fact that the King is returning. He is preparing His people and setting things in motion that have never before taken place. More and more people today are teaching on the Return of the Lord and encouraging others to not lose heart. I just heard from my mother today that Billy Graham's focus now is turning to teaching about the Return of the Lord. His 50 years or so have been directly focused on proclaiming the gospel and preaching repentance. We know through the Scriptures that when the time of the Gentiles has come to an end there will be a focus back on Jews or the natural branches (Romans 11:25; Luke 21:24). I am not saying that non Jews will be without grace or salvation I believe this means there will be a focus more towards them at this point. After all Paul says that we were grafted in to provoke the Jews back to jealousy of God. People get ready Yeshua (Jesus) is coming and soon we will be going home. Come quickly Lord Jesus!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Today is a day that I am thankful to the Father that I am employed. I hear so much about the economy and how bad it is and never seem to hear how good things are going. Even when the economy is on an upswing it usually is centered around what went wrong that day. So i was browsing through some headlines today and came across one that was uplifting and one very interesting article concerning Israel's defense, the rest remind us where we stand and what times we are living in.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Netanyahu To Form Coalition!

Binyamin Netanyahu will be was appointed by President Shimon Peres to form a coalition. Netanyahu and Livni will now hold talks aimed at forming a national-unity government. Let us continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for the coming Prime Minister as well.
I read a headline that said New Jersey has had two earthquakes recently. To me that is very surprising because that is a very rare occurrence on the East coast much less in Jersey. Yeshua (Jesus) told us that these things would increase and were signs unto us.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Fairness Doctrine

I think that this is a very important topic to keep an eye out for. For those of you who have never heard of the Fairness Doctrine it has been around before and was ruled unconstitutional. "The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was (in the Commission's view) honest, equitable, and balanced. [It should not be confused, but often is, with the Equal Time rule. The Fairness Doctrine deals with matters of public importance, while the Equal Time rule deals only with political candidates.] The United States Supreme Court upheld the Commission's general right to enforce the Fairness Doctrine where channels were limited, but the courts have not, in general, ruled that the FCC is obliged to do so.[1] In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through either Commission policy or Congressional legislation.[2]" (Wikipedia). This is the second article I have read in a week discussing reverting back to this doctrine. In the long run this doctrine impedes on freedom of speech and invokes larger government. Keep an eye out for some sort of this doctrine to be pushed under a different heading in Congress over the next few years.
I was reading the book of Mark this morning and it really excites me. John Mark who would later be associated with Paul the Apostle captures more miracles than any other account in the Bible. It amazes me just to go back and read how much authority Jesus really walked in, how that everything was subject to Him including wind, and sea. When was the last time you saw someone rebuke the sea and it obeyed? He is the real God. Also take a look at John 14:6 today, He is the final authority.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Wait

Israel is in a close election and we are still awaiting the formation of their new government. The U.S. leadership is wishing for a Livni run Israel because of her willingness to negotiate with Palestinians, however; Netanyahu is not as willing to negotiate and is much more against the dividing of Jerusalem (Praise God!). Lets pray that no matter where we stand that God would have mercy on both the U.S. and Israel and that he would bring in to office someone who will Hear His voice. Again today I read another article on young kids and porn, and it begins to remind me of the state of Sodom & Gomorrah, Capernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida, and so on. (Mark 11, Remember they weren't even given a chance to repent or they would have.) God has had tremendous mercy on us and just as in times past is saying, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Yeshua (Jesus) is forgiving but also remember sin hurts his heart and their are always consequences for our actions. I want to leave you encouraged with Colossians 3 today.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Which direction will Israel go?

We are moving into a season of change globally. Markets are fluctuating and people are being sifted left and right. The rest of the World is feeling the effect of our so called recession. I read articles weekly about mega wealthy individuals who are committing suicide all because of huge financial losses. We as the body of Christ need to stand on God's Word and live out the Scripture, Yeshua (Jesus) says, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:19-21) Every time things start moving in a negative economic condition people often say Jesus is coming back any minute, Why only the bad times? According to scripture it will be just as in the days of Noah when people were living life just like any other day (eating drinking, getting married and so forth, Matthew 24:38). Who knows He could return one day when the market is setting its all time record. We need to be ready in season and out of season.
On a personal note: Praise God for today and for another beautiful 70 degree day in the middle of Winter!


Monday, February 9, 2009

First Edition - Signs Of The Times

My name is Evan Jones and I am a 25 year old college graduate. I am currently employed and am thankful to be in a place of employment during this down time in the economy. This is a blog that I have been thinking about doing for quite some time. I am praying about which direction the Lord would like me to go with this and I hope that I hear His voice correctly. I also pray that if this is something that the Lord really wants me to do then it will prosper, if this is not then it will fade in time. Luke 21:5 - 38 is very crucial in our walk with the Messiah in maintaining an awareness of the returning King. Verse thirty six of that chapter speaks volumes: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man (Luke 21:36 KJV)." Look at what Jesus had and has to say to his disciples in Matthew 24. ( That link will take you straight to the chapter and you can read it really quick. With that stated lets be mindful how we spend our time and lets be ready for His return. We know that the days will be just like that of Noah with people living life with no regard for others and thinking only about themselves until one day when everything changes. This blog will be focused on topics and headlines that relate to the times we are in and give us indications and warnings of His return. I will not make this blog site one in which fear tactics are used but one that is focused on what Jesus taught. I am a disciple and friend of His and I want others to know about His love for us (The lost sheep of the House of Israel). My goal is to bring the news to you, I realize not everyone watches the news or reads about what is going on globally so this will be your update daily/weekly. Many updates will be related to what is happening in Israel as well as what is going on Nationally and other International News. I will make it my goal to send out updates daily, however; it may not be sent out every single day. Thanks for visiting and please leave any comments about this blog any concerns or areas of improvement. The King is returning!


(This is an idea of how the headlines will be arranged, This edition will have very few headlines because it is the First edition)

Current Headlines: