Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 2nd Round

It is official Benyamin Netanyahu is the prime minister of Israel (he was sworn in today). I have said before to friends that I believed he would become the prime minister and it is refreshing to see a God fearing man lead that country hopefully with integrity. Keep an eye out on the next 90 days in Israel and the Middle East. What will he do about Iran? How will he handle the financial crisis? What will he do about Gaza? These are three very big issues that are pressing him right now and time will tell. Keep an eye on the G20 summit in Europe in the upcoming week (pray for the leadership, our president and those that will be meeting). Obama has a full plate meeting with, Dmitry Medvedev (Russian president) and China's President Hu Jintao on Wednesday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown (UK), and many other leaders. Issues of discussion will revolve around the global recession, North Korea, Iran and their rhetoric, our missile defense shield, proposal of a new world currency and dropping the dollar, among countless other issues of concern. Please really take time and pray for our leaders, ask the Lord for direction on what to pray and how to pray, seek his face and lift up your cares to Him and this very pivotal time in our lives. I have been reading the book of Exodus this week and I am amazed at how the Lord always hears the prayer of His people and that even if it takes 430 years He delivers His people according to His will. (Exodus 1st 12 chapters deal with the children of Israel up to and coming out of Egypt).


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Please do not become complacent in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand on your convictions and hold fast to that which is true. The Lord is really teaching and warning His people right now and He always gives warnings to His people. The warning going out right now is wake up! Do not be lulled to sleep by the enticement of the enemy. This world has a system all its own and it is not the Lord's, it is a counterfeit. Lately at Bible studies we have been talking about the Millennial kingdom when Jesus returns, as well as many other topics like, judging righteously, The Hand (Yod) of God, fellowship (community) like we see in the book of Acts and many other amazing revelations of the Father. I just got out of a Thursday night Bible study that I do with a few friends and we were discussing Passover. The Lord showed me some revelations that I had not seen before about Passover and it was neat getting to share some of these with friends who were interested in learning about their Savior. If you don't have passion in your heart and you don't hear from the Lord, ask Him some questions, leave me a comment or even email me at mrevanjones@yahoo.com. If you need prayer and you don't have anyone to talk to send me an email and I will gladly pray for ya or leave an anonymous note. Be encouraged friends, family: Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him." (John 14:6)


Monday, March 23, 2009

What does 1 Trillion look like

Hey everyone. This post is slightly different than some of the others and will be fun to look at. I know that with the previous post I mentioned 1 trillion dollars was being pumped into the U.S. economy. Now we throw numbers like one billion, one trillion around and its hard to really see what that amount of money looks like. So I looked up some websites that helped draw a picture of how much money that really is. So here are a couple of links that will show you how much 1 trillion is.
1) http://100777.com/node/455
2) http://www.mint.com/blog/finance-core/visualizing-one-trillion-dollars/
3) http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/index.html

Now everyone please hear me. I am not trying to make you fearful or worry about this economy and how you are going to make it in the long run. Remember that Jesus himself told us not to store up for ourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy, but rather to store up for ourselves treasure in heaven where neither moth or rust can destroy (Matt 6:19-21). So just take a look at those links if you like and get an understanding of where we are as a nation and how we are being foolish and not being wise with what we have been entrusted with.

Also here are instructions for leaving feedback or subscribing to this blog. Click on the follow link on the right hand side of the page. Then if you have a google email account just sign in using that user name and password. If you do not simply sign up, its free, and then sign in. After that you will be able to leave comments and follow this blog for free. Thanks.

***** Important Video - This is the link to the website of the video I mentioned recently in a post (http://www.heritage.org/Press/Events/ev092706a.cfm). Please watch this video it is about an hour long. This woman has seen extreme Islam in a country that was largely democratic and had open borders just like our country. The similarities to our country and the direction we are heading are strangely similar*****

Friday, March 20, 2009

Federal Govn't makes a last ditch effort.

My mom told me about an issue on Glen Beck that covered a story that was unnoticed due to the AIG scandal involving billions of dollars. The crazy thing is that yesterday the Fed pumped 1 trillion dollars into the economy out of thin air. You will have to read the article and even then you still will be some what confused. Basically they loaned themselves money that they don't really have in order to pay for things that they can't afford so that it will cover the short term problem. The problem with this is that the long term effect is not good (ie inflation). By the way a trillion dollars is a lot of money, in fact the AIG scandal does not compare to what 1 trillion dollars does to an economy. Very interesting article and you should take a look at it. 1 John 2:6 is the scripture that is changing my life right now, read it when you get a chance and talk to the Lord about this one.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One World Currency

Just take a look at some of the headlines today and you will quickly see how things are heating up. There is a lot of talk flying around about a global currency (This has been talk for many years and people always seem to get worked up about it). I would like to note, however; that the global economy as a whole is in a terrible situation and they are pushing for a currency that does not depend on the dollar. Keep an eye on this issue and be prayerful for this country, the leadership, for Israel and for those that don't have a relationship with the Messiah. Remember people there is no fear in love, perfect love casts out fear and God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. (1 John 4:18; 2 timothy 1:7). Reading the article from Murdoch is a witness with the video we watched last night for Bible study, and a book that I am currently reading about the threat within our own country. I will be posting a link on this site soon of a video of a woman who was raised in Lebanon and has experience the love of Israelis, the bombings because of wars, and the change in Lebanon from democracy to tyranny. (The parallels that they experienced over the last 30 years are very similar with the way the U.S. is heading right now). And again everyone please leave me some feedback on each post so that I know that people are reading this or are interested in whats being said (especially the two new subscribers) Thanks.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It has been a little over a week since the last update and I am sorry that I did not update it since. There are some interesting articles I have been reading as well as a new book (Joel Rosenberg's new book). God is moving powerfully and lately in studies we have been talking of the coming Messianic Kingdom when the Messiah returns (I can't wait). Last night at Bible study we were recapping some of the things we have been talking about in relationship to that and answering questions to some of the lingering thoughts associated. Pastor Keith went in to Psalm 107:19-20 and Matthew 8:24-27 relating how are perception often times is not Jesus' perception. He also went to 1 John 3:7, Philippians 4:13 and others that really show how our perception should be. Its important to realized the finished work of Jesus Christ in us. We have the same Spirit (Romans 8:11) and we are no longer slaves to sin. Philippians 4:13 then becomes a perception, how do we really see it, His promises are true and He can't lie therefore if we live according to His Word and with His Spirit in us then all things are possible!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Things are heating up in the Epicenter

For any of you who are not familiar with Joel Rosenberg he is Christian man who was written many books regarding the times we live in and will live in. He has written many fictions and does not claim to be a prophet (however many of the stories he has written are based on his perception of what he thinks could happen and oddly enough many things have happened just as he has written in his books). Joel has only written a couple Non-Fiction books and he has one coming out tomorrow. I would suggest buying this book because his past books are among my favorites. This book is going to be about the current situation going on in the Middle East, with a look at Iran and how they have been gearing up since the 70's as an Islamic Republic (the wars to come and the situation globally). Joel has been a voice to this nation as well as a voice globally to people to wake up and realize that the things that are approaching are coming swiftly. Don't grow weary, don't fall asleep! Read Matthew 25 today and ask the Lord where are we today Lord, where am I in the parable of the 10 virgins? Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Friday, March 6, 2009

A look at the Headlines

Don't let the headlines depress you. Remember that many events will take place that we can't explain and that times in our live will be difficult, keep trusting in the Lord for deliverance. He is our shelter, He is our strength, David says that is one reason He loves the Lord because He hears our cries, He bends His tear to us. I have seen lots of interesting things in the News this week and here are a couple of Headlines of interest.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why seperate Israel?

Seperating Israel into a two state province is not a good idea. I know that it will not please God and that it will not stop the violence in Gaza. If anything it will produce a sense of entitlement on the part of Hamas and those living in Gaza and will increase the attacks on Israel. Take a look at this article about what Hillary Clinton is suggesting and leave some feedback. So far I have only received one comment to date on this site, so if there are things you like or don't like let me know. Friends of God please pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that the Lord would have mercy on us as a Nation. Look at Psalm 122:6 when you have a minute.


Monday, March 2, 2009

A Global Deal?

It was a great weekend and the Lord has been teaching me amazing things. Sabbath was awesome and Pastor Weintraub was teaching about The Father and how Jesus brings us access to relationship with the Father as well. We cry out to Abba and we can do so because the veil is no longer there at the physical Temple. Jesus (Yeshua) is now our access to the Father. One section of scripture that was really cool to look at is Numbers 6:24 through the end of that chapter. God has been showing us that this prayer was a prayer given by Him and displays the Godhead. Sunday was very amazing as well, at church Pastor Jason was teaching about how the church today is much the same as the condition of Israel in Deuteronomy and Jeremiah. He went to Deuteronomy 6:1-6 and explained how Moses was telling the Israelites not to forget the command of the Lord, and one of my favorite verses is Deut 6:4 - Hear O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD, and in the following verses it goes on to explain the 1st and greatest commandment that we see Jesus reiterate in the New covenant (It is also part of the Shema). So if you have not read these Scriptures please feel free to do so they are amazing and what a revelation. Take a look at these Headlines today and let me know what you think in the comments section.
