Monday, April 6, 2009

Much to see

Its been about a week since the last post and things are continuing to press on. Bible studies have been amazing lately and we have been learning about the graciousness of God as seen in the Old Testament and reflecting in the life of the Messiah. Being able to see the cross from Numbers 6:22-27 is very revelational to us as believers. We also have been learning about one of the names of God (YHVH) pronounced Yod Heh Vav Heh which has been translated Lord or Adonai. In the original Hebrew it is written YHVH but actually in hebrew letters and represents the unpronounceable name of God. We adopted Jehovah by adding vowels to pronounce it; however, it really does not read that way in Hebrew. More and more I am hearing sermons and believers talking about having the Word in us and being in relationship with the Father for the times that are coming. Maybe persecution will rise in this country and it will be like that of other countries in our lifetimes and maybe not. Don't become relaxed in your day to day living and lose sight of the mission of Jesus, and how is kingdom is here now.



  1. Here is a blog of a friend of mine. Its called "Word Nuggets". This one refers to the Name of God you mention.


    Above is a link to a short article about a moment where an editor met a muslim attempted sucide bomber in Pakistan's prison. The eleven year old child said when he grows up "he wants to kill non muslims."
    And America voted for a man who wants to be friends with this people who raise their children to kill anyone non-muslim, and we all know they start with the jews first!

