Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Global Fear

Global fear is not something that I enjoy reading on the headlines but it seems to drive the media. Currently people are fearing this Swine flu that has originated from Mexico. The problem is that people are becoming consumed with watching the headlines and hearing that we have not had an outbreak in ages and we have been expecting one for quite some time. The media reports on every aspect of the flu, where the latest breakouts are, they report pandemics of the past as well as what the governments response today is. Those of us that are Christ followers and walk in relationship with Him need to stand in times like these and not fear so that the world around us can see the Light that shines in the darkness. I encourage you to read the scriptures and see how often it talks about walking in the light, not fearing, and being encouraged in tough times. (here are just a few: 1 John 1:5, 1 John 4:18, 2 Timothy 1:7, John 16:33, Psalm 56:11, Psalm 118:6, Psalm 56:4, )


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Impending disaster if left unassisted

Pakistan is one of two countries that the U.S. has listed over the last year as in danger of possible collapse (Mexico being the other). Keep an eye on what happens in this country because they are on the forefront of our battle against the Taliban. Just recently the Taliban seized control of an area in Pakistan which puts them closer to Islamabad. The reason this is bad is because Pakistan is a nuclear power and the government is really weak right now. Continue to watch and pray over this issue because this is their goal (nuclear weapons).

In recent studies we have been looking at what happened at Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit. I've got to tell you, just last night we were talking about this and one question really stuck out to me. How were/are we to know that Jesus was the Messiah, when He wasn't coming and saying... I am the Messiah, I am the Messiah look at me? One amazing example is in Matthew 4:23 when he comes preaching the gospel of the kingdom. That is an old testament prophecy and one that should have been in the minds of people instead they were focused on a physical kingdom. Look at Daniel 7:13-14 it is speaking about His kingdom and all nations shall serve Him and is everlasting. We don't even realized often times what Jesus came preaching and How he always elevated His Father and not himself. I would encourage you to read about the early disciples and how they followed Yeshua, what it cost them and how they loved. Acts 2 is where we have been focused lately.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Israel is ready - Are you?

Well in case you don't read the headlines.... Israel is ready to bomb Iran and is worried that the U.S. is not ready to go that way or support them. Israel is making it clear in a very resounding way that they will and are capable of this sort of attack with or without assistance. Take for instance there recent attack on a convoy in Sudan, their air force exercises one year ago that involved flying distances of nearly 900 miles (the same distance as some nuclear facilities in Iran). I urge all believers to continue to be in prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, the safety of the soldiers and civilians and the leaders of Israel. We have seen in the past what has happened when we have not stood with our brothers and sisters and Gods chosen people, lets be prayerful and ready. Pray and seek ways that we can make our voice heard about the situation in the Middle East because it is not a matter of if but when.

I want to share a few scriptures from this mornings message that are really awesome: Numbers 6:23 - the end of that chapter talking about the prayer or blessing. We were learning about the word Keep and how there are three different Hebrew words for it (of which I don't remember what those three words are) in the scriptures. Take a look at these scriptures and really get a picture that God is our guardian, our keeper and he wants to fight our battles for us instead of us always trying so hard. Psalm 91: 1-2; Deuteronomy 33:9; Deuteronomy 32:10; Proverbs 13:3; Proverbs 6:20; Psalm 31:23 (preserves); John 15:1-8 (vine dresser, abide in Him); Genesis 2:15. These are just a few of the verses and really show how he loves and protects and keeps us.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am thankful that I have been able to do this blog and keep everyone informed on what is going on around the globe. If you would please let me know what you like and or don't like about the blog (ie. Are the updates too spread out? Are the links helpful/functional? Is the site too biased?) As much feedback from as many people as possible would be very helpful. I like constructive criticism as well.


Evan Jones


Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Body of Christ

Lately the Lord has been building a revelation of His Lordship to me in ways that I have not seen before. Last night at bible study we were learning about the body of believers in Acts. It is amazing to see what Paul has to say about this in Romans 10:9 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." The importance is focused on understanding and confessing (confession is a good word to look up) His Lordship and His resurrection. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 8:5-6, he is saying if you say Jesus is Lord with your mouth it has to be by the Holy Spirit and it is a revelation that He really does rule and reign. This is a revelation that He really is the risen Lord and that He rules and reigns as King over all (he is not just a prophet, or a good teacher, or just the Son of God, or just the Messiah, He is Lord). Remember that LORD (YHVH) is a name that God revealed unto Moses in the OT and Paul specifically says that He is the same LORD (Exodus 6:3). I hope you really begin to see the importance of His Lordship because it is more than just salvation (although that is the most incredible gift - eternal life with the creator of everything - forgiveness of sins - redemption - and the list continues) it is ruler ship with Him. Part of the difficulty in seeing this has to do with our grasp of failure and our relationship with our deadness. Remember we are crucified with Christ and He lives in us, we don't have to walk around in sins curse any longer. I challenge you to read through Acts namely as well as the letters and look at how often Lord is mentioned and the power associated with His Lordship. It is amazing that he chose us to reign with Him and His kingdom is here and now (we are living in eternity from the day of salvation, if we close our eyes here in a physical sense we will be with Him... So praise God!!!)


Monday, April 6, 2009

Much to see

Its been about a week since the last post and things are continuing to press on. Bible studies have been amazing lately and we have been learning about the graciousness of God as seen in the Old Testament and reflecting in the life of the Messiah. Being able to see the cross from Numbers 6:22-27 is very revelational to us as believers. We also have been learning about one of the names of God (YHVH) pronounced Yod Heh Vav Heh which has been translated Lord or Adonai. In the original Hebrew it is written YHVH but actually in hebrew letters and represents the unpronounceable name of God. We adopted Jehovah by adding vowels to pronounce it; however, it really does not read that way in Hebrew. More and more I am hearing sermons and believers talking about having the Word in us and being in relationship with the Father for the times that are coming. Maybe persecution will rise in this country and it will be like that of other countries in our lifetimes and maybe not. Don't become relaxed in your day to day living and lose sight of the mission of Jesus, and how is kingdom is here now.
