Thursday, March 26, 2009


Please do not become complacent in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand on your convictions and hold fast to that which is true. The Lord is really teaching and warning His people right now and He always gives warnings to His people. The warning going out right now is wake up! Do not be lulled to sleep by the enticement of the enemy. This world has a system all its own and it is not the Lord's, it is a counterfeit. Lately at Bible studies we have been talking about the Millennial kingdom when Jesus returns, as well as many other topics like, judging righteously, The Hand (Yod) of God, fellowship (community) like we see in the book of Acts and many other amazing revelations of the Father. I just got out of a Thursday night Bible study that I do with a few friends and we were discussing Passover. The Lord showed me some revelations that I had not seen before about Passover and it was neat getting to share some of these with friends who were interested in learning about their Savior. If you don't have passion in your heart and you don't hear from the Lord, ask Him some questions, leave me a comment or even email me at If you need prayer and you don't have anyone to talk to send me an email and I will gladly pray for ya or leave an anonymous note. Be encouraged friends, family: Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him." (John 14:6)


1 comment:

  1. Now definately is not the time to grow complacent! Actually, I believe it is the most exciting time to be alive, to see the Kingdom of God in action! The more desparate this world system becomes, the more God's Kingdom shines! I agree Evan, now is the time to renew our relationship with the Father, discover our purpose and move forward in Him! Keep up the good work!
